Activity Pak Islami Majlis e.v.
Prayer, Ramzan, Marriage ceremony, Family gethering,
urdu classes and more
Acitivites of the Committee
Following important functions are performed by the Merkez
1. Facility of Offering Prayers
For the Muslims of Hamburg the Merkez provides the facility of five times prayers under the qualified imam who has graduated with a Alim Fazil. A number of Muslims of Hamburg say prayers regularly at the Merkez.
2. Ramzan
In the holy month of Ramzan, the Merkez provides sehri and iftar to all present their and this is done throughout the month with the generous contributions made by the donors. Also in Ramzan, there is comfortable arrangement to offer Tarawaeeh Namaz regularly throughout the month.
3. Seerat-un-Nabi
The other much celebrated festival is Seerat-un-Nabi. The Rabial Ul Awwal has always been enthusiastically planned providing opportunity to all Muslim men, women and children to pay humble tribute to the Holy Prophet (May peace be upon him).
4. Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Azha
Eid ul Fitr and Eid ul Azha are the other two important Islamic festivals that are being very well organized at the Merkez creating a festive environment of love, warmth and thankfulness to Allah.
5. Effective assistance for the funeral ceremony and transfer of body to the requested destination
During the sorrowful moments of the sad demise of any Muslim, the Pak Islamic Merkez provides support to the Muslim families to have Islamic burial with all the required essentials including Fateha and Namaz-e- Janaza. In addition provides full support in sending coffins to the required destination.
6. Facility of providing Nikah Khawan for the Marriage Ceremony
To be a part of the Muslim community in their joyous moments of a marriage ceremony the Merkez organizers, provides all the necessary requirements of Nikah.
7. Regular Activity
In addition to the above mentioned functions performed by the Merkez some of the regular features include:
The teaching of Holy Quran and Hadees after Asr prayers
Every Saturday, children and women meet in the mosque, to study and discuss Islamic lessons and practices through, Quran and Tajweed. In addition Urdu language lessons are also taught by subject specialist teachers. These sessions usually conclude on a social gathering. The Session starts from 12 p.m.
Every Monday in summer after Asr and in winter after Isha we visit Muslims. After that Dars and informaiton about islam.
Future Plans
By the grace of Allah the Pak Islamic Majlis carried out all its planned activities on regular basis through the generous donations made by the donors. However, as the present building owned by the Merkez is rental, the organizers have felt that there has been a great need of a having a purpose build building of which the Merkez should have the possession. Based on this need the organizers would like to make a humble request to all the Muslims of the world to generously contribute for the virtuous purpose.
For your generous donations to the Pak Islamic Majlis kindly use the following Bankaccount:
Pak Islami Majlis e.V.
Bankverbindung: Hamburger Sparkasse
IBAN: DE86200505501026222594